Connecting Whip Cables to Tools

Stanley Assembly Technologies provides a graphical procedure with tips, do’s and don'ts on how to correctly connect whip cables to tools and prevent twisted pins and poor tool-to-controller connections. Learn more about how to how to connect whips.

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DC Fastening Calibration

The specific calibration for each tool is set by comparing the internal and external torque indicators which are indicated on a tool controller readout. 30 sample readings are taken to ensure that the tool's internal and external readings are consistently in agreement. The calibration factor is affected by the transducer…

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Tech Notes: Yield Control Summary

Monitoring the rate of change of Torque vs. Angle provides a new dimension in the control of the fastening process. With Torque Rate Control an increase in this rate to a specified level can indicate an event in the fastening process, such as the seating of a fastener, which can…

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